Greenscreen Studio Duesseldorf

Learn more about our Greenscreen-productions from Duesseldorf – Green screens have been around for years, but now they are starting to become more and more used. Whether it is for big super-hero films such as Marvel, or if it’s for the weather forecast on the news: green screens are now crucial in the world of filmmaking.


How do green screens studios Duesseldorf work? Simply put: A greenscreen is a neon-green background of a shot which will later allow digital effects to be added. The foreground is combined with footage that has already been recorded or crafted, which is called chroma keying. The process consists of layering two images together: the footage of the person or object in front of the green screen, and the footage that will replace the green screen (this can be another video, special effects, CGI, etc…).  During the post-production, the green color is isolated, removed and then replaced with the background that was chosen.


1.The variety of green screen formats

  • Presentations with green screens
  • Animations
  • Livestream productions
  • Green screen & social media
  • Advertisement

2. An idea of what green screen productions in duesseldof would look like

    • The right setup
    • A look at a green screen production
    • Post-Production: green screen’s most important phase

    3. The main benefits of recording with green screens

      • Different locations & control over the environment
      • Adaptable appearances
      • Protection

      About Kreativfilm

      However, recording with green screens is not an easy task and, in some cases, it would be wise to involve experts. We’ve been working in our green screen studios since 2010 and therefore have years of experience: From professional cinema spots to livestreams, Kreativfilm has realized numerous projects over the past decade.

      Not only do we not lose sight of the budget, but we also advise our clients personally and individually from the idea to the final implementation. As experts, we have worked in various areas and styles of film and video, which enables us to guide our clients in every way possible.

      Now our focus is on livestream productions since these are high in demand. However, we offer many other services such as the provision of a cost-efficient and small team, logistical planning or even the realization of commercials with professional actors. Whether you’re looking for a big green screen production or a smaller one, Kreativfilm is equipped with studios that are ideal for both.

      The green screen studio Duesseldorf is a complex composed of a clear head room (6.40m) and a studio base area (20 x 12m). The stage prospects height is at about 5.00m and the cyclorama is a two-sided cove (where every side is 9,80m each). In addition to this, the studio is air conditioned, sound proof and has a make up room.

      What other services do we have to offer? At Kreativfilm our customers do not need to worry about the technical aspect of filming with green screens. We not only take care of all the lighting, the film equipment or even the recording with green fillets, but we also offer catering service, make-up sets and fast wifi. On all of our projects there is an English speaking video-producer and director.

      The variety of green screen formats

      It is our experience that green screens can be used for many different types of films and videos such as presentations for example. Especially for companies, we’ve used green screens to film company updates or showcase new products. It is not only a quick and budget friendly way to produce a marketing video, but also a good way to communicate to customers.

      Nowadays video marketing has become so competitive, that you want to stand out in every way possible. That’s why we recommend using a professional looking background which gives the viewer a clean and unique impression. Digital marketing and branding go hand to hand with green screens, since these enable you to paint a picture of a company’s identity.

      When our customers look to explain complex subjects, we suggest using an animated background. With green screen it is possible to have animations rolling in the background while someone is talking in the front. Visualizing abstract ideas or complicated subjects is a good way to help viewer understand them. Besides this, with animations you can create things that would normally not be possible or do not even exist. We can experiment and create visuals that are unique and true to your brand.


      The news industry is known for using green screens. They give news channels consistency since they always film with the same settings when they broadcast news. This can have a calming and familiar effect on the audience, and the visuality improves their way of communicating with the audience. One may have already seen green screens being used for sports events, for example in press conferences just like the Soccer Bundesliga in Germany.

      At the moment, most of our customers request livestream productions.

      They are ideal for companies to stay in touch with their employees, customers, and business partners. To make such livestreams lively and thus arouse the viewer’s interest, green screen productions are a great solution. High-quality online webinars are also perfect for advanced training and education. Here it is important to prepare the content in such a way that it is well understood by the counterpart and can therefore also be used directly. Here, too, green screen productions are a valuable aid.

      Even in social media, green screens can be useful and have become more and more popular. Influencers and YouTubers use interesting, funny, and entertaining background which keeps the viewer engaged. Another convenient factor is that it allows you to record regularly, whenever you want and as often as you want since the setup doesn’t have to change.

      Lastly, green screens are also ideal for advertisement.

      When you want to create convincing and captivating advertisement that the audience won’t forget, it is our experience that green screens are the best option. It is cost and time saving and can be used for every type of advertisement. The only limit is one’s creativity.

      If you are looking for green screen production references, then you are at the right place: Kreativfilm has worked with many different companies in various different areas. We therefore have knowledge and are experience in filming with industrial companies or automobile business. We’ve also worked with media or business in general. Lastly we’ve also done productions in sport and fashion areas.

      filmprocutions kreativfilm

      An idea of how green screen productions Düsseldorf would look like

      Green screen productions are quite like “normal” film productions. The same three steps are involved (Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production), except that in this case the last step is the most important. Let us take a closer look:

      Before we even begin, we need to have the right set up. Here one must pay attention that no mistakes are made since this will influence the final results:

      • The green screen should be stretched as smoothly as possible.
      • We suggest refraining from using reflective materials, since this may have unfavorable effect on the lighting.
      • Lighting on the walls and floors should be covered with black fabric, since the prevents reflections from the green screen which could cause the protagonist to turn green.


      An even illumination of the green area is essential. This can be checked with a waveform monitor. As an alternative, it is possible to use the zebra function of the camera.


      When it comes to clothing, we suggest the protagonist wears plain clothes (especially plaid tops and fine meshes should be avoided). There should be no green clothing or accessories since that would interfere with the green screen itself.  

      With Kreativfilm, we always have Makeup ready just in case the actors or speakers start sweating from the face (this prevents them from “glowing”). The actor is best positioned at about two meters from the green screen. This prevents shadows from being cast on the green screen and it prevents green reflections in the actor’s face.

      Post-production is the most important phase of green screen productions: this is where the magic happens:

      • The first step is chroma keying, a color-based image adjustment.
      • In a film editing software, we remove the green parts of the image.
      • The final step is compositing, where we put together several image elements to form an overall image, ideally in such a way that the viewer does not perceive the image as a composite image.
      • Here you now have the option of combining any images – real film footage or animations – with the green screen shot as a background. The green is now replaced by whatever we want it to become.

      The main benefits of recording with green screens

      Green screens have many advantages since it not only allows you to try out new and impressive things, that would normally not be able to be filmed, but it also expands the possibilities of filmmaking.

      A green screen depicts different locations all while remaining within a sound stage. That means that filming can take place in the same location without having to move around. However, a green screen could be set up anywhere, which also offers convenience for shooting. Our camera team at the Düsseldorf location, is equipped with a mobile green screen for outdoor production. Together with mobile lighting equipment, we transform offices into a TV studio.


      We always have full control over the environment and lighting. Within the green screen studio, there’s a quiet sound atmosphere (not like in offices or outside where there are distractions). We can make it seem as if two actors are in the same place, when they in fact recorded the scenes separately, which helps with scheduling. On top of that, we can have our customers digitally be present for the shoot via Zoom. That means that even from a distance you can not only watch the filming live but can give us feedback and interact with the actors.

      Filming with green screens is a great benefit especially when filming outdoor scenes: the weather can become unpredictable and therefor cause problems for filming. If it were to rain, the team needs to make sure that the equipment doesn’t get wet, etc. When filming with a green stage, we can shoot inside and could even pick the weather you’d like to have for your shot.

      Appearances are adaptable when filming with a green screen.  The size of the object of actor can be changed in relation to their background. They can also be moved across the animation or backdrops. We can make impossible things seems real. Whether you want to make something seem as if it were floating, or if you’d like to make it seem like you are in a different time period – anything is possible with green screens.

      At Kreativfilm safety comes first, and green screens offer protection when it comes to filming: It can protect actors by keeping them in the studio and away from the dangerous environments depicted using green screen technology. Instead of having them actually perform the stunts up high on a building or interact with dangerous animals, green screens can be used to simulate it, all while keeping the actors safe.  

      Lastly, green screens save time and money since shoots can be done anytime, anywhere with infinite possibilities for one location, which is good when you have a limited budget. It helps reduce the operational expenses of a media company such as various set ups, or transporting costs, etc…

      In conclusion we can say that green screens are ideal when you want to film something creative without it creating many inconveniences. Green screens are budget friendly, time saving and effective when it comes to set up and scheduling. If you choose to record with a green screen, the results will be unique and true to your brand. However, you should keep in mind that it’s the team that will make the difference in the end.

      Get to know the world of green screens

      greenscreen englisch

      If you are looking for someone who’s had years of experience with green screens, then Kreativfilm is the right agency for you.

      We provide support to our clients through the entire process. From the idea to the result, you can rely on our consultation and can be assured that our team of technical experts can see your idea through. Besides this, our customers never need to worry about the technical aspects.

      Quality is important to us, that is why we have Canon Cinema cameras with a high dynamic range. Recording in 4K Raw brings the great advantage for the workflow in post-production of being able to professionally crop the material with a green background. Upon request we work for 4K in Canon Raw Lite or RED Helium in 8K.

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